Setting aside fall play

Dear LCP family,

It is with great disappointment that I share with you that we had to cease production on our fall show. We had a full cast, and then our actor for the part of Lenny, let me know that he had too many scheduling conflicts to do the show. We searched for over a week to find a replacement. Many of you offered help. Thank you. Unfortunately, we were not able to fill the role.

The good part about the two weeks we dedicated to rehearsals is this: we have new actors for our group! Michael Harding, Patrick Ralph, Matthew Harper, and Julianne Washa (Andrea’s daughter) have joined our LCP family. If you see them or have contact with them, welcome them. Other actors were Cheryl Schmieder, Andrea Washa, Shawn Steinhoff, and Bob McKelvey. The two weeks that we rehearsed showed much promise. Lines were already being memorized. The fine blocking was in place. A set was designed and ready to be built. Thanks, Stuart. Some costume pieces were ordered. Renee had the poster draft ready before we even began rehearsals. Ann was ready to produce. Angela and Kristin were ready for the tickets and house management. The stage crew (Tom, Michael S., Lisa Z.) was almost all in place (one more needed back stage). Michael Walter gave great support with every aspect of this show! I can’t say enough good about this group!

I know our audience was excited about a fall show. So were Michael and I and the cast. We’ll keep this show in the hopper but make sure we have a commitment to fill the role of Lenny before we move forward.

Thank you to everyone who supported us in any way.

In theatre,